Chemical Triangle Burghausen: Yes or no to the largest wind farm in Bavaria? – Bavaria

They could be seen here from the edge of the forest on Eschlberg. So far, the only view from the gentle hill is down to the church tower of St. Martin with its baroque onion dome, and far behind it to the chimneys of the Burghausen Wacker factory and the OMV refinery, where gas is being flared after a breakdown in a plant must and the huge flame in the distance rumbles like a plane taking off. The wind turbines that dominate the panorama further north and west and would tower over all the spruce trees in the Burghauser and Altöttinger Forests could never be that loud, as the industrial landmarks here in the Bavarian chemical triangle have been doing for so long. Whether these wind turbines will be available so quickly and whether there will really be 40 of them could be decided in a few days down at the foot of the Eschlberg.

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