Celebrity news: Ilka Bessin wants Christian Lindner as a bouncer – panorama

Ilka Bessin50, comedian, known for her role as “Cindy from Marzahn”, would like Christian Lindner to be the bouncer for her birthday party. She criticized on Instagramthat the costs of the bodyguards for the wedding of the Federal Minister of Finance, which will take place in the coming days on Sylt, will be paid from tax money. “If I celebrate my birthday now, will he come and open the door?” Finance Minister Christian Lindner and the journalist Franca Lehfeldt married on Thursday in a civil ceremony on Sylt, as the German Press Agency learned from FDP circles. On Friday there will be a bachelorette party and on Saturday Lindner and Lehfeldt want to say yes in a church. According to media reports, numerous celebrities are on the guest list – including Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

(Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa)

Goetz Alsmann, 64, former long-term flatmate, is looking for a new job. Six years after the end of the television classic “Room Free”, he repeatedly spoke to broadcasters about a new TV format, he told the German Press Agency. “But there is every reason to be very picky in the fall of my career. Very, very picky.” Some of the ideas for a new show sounded pretty good at first – and later they didn’t. In which direction the inquiries are going, he does not want to reveal. “Nobody expects me to host a political talk show on Thursday night – of course it’s always about entertainment.” He still has a lot of contact with Christine Westermann, with whom he moderated “Room Free” for 20 years. “We’re emailing and phoning more than we were before the room left. We give each other tips, we want to know how we’re doing.”

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(Photo: Felix Hörhager/dpa)

Patrick Dempsey, 56, TV doctor and father of three children, learns from his offspring how to live more sustainably. “My kids are teenagers and they’re a lot more conscientious about sustainability. They ask me things like, ‘Do we really need this? Shouldn’t we be looking for an alternative?” the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star told the magazine Colorful. Especially in the lockdown you noticed what you don’t need. With all the negative news, it’s often difficult for him today to “focus on the good,” said the actor.

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(Photo: John Nacion/Imago/NurPhoto)

Matthew Modine, 63, US actor, has something against his – warning: spoilers – serial death. “I would love to have the opportunity to return,” he said the New York Times. Modine plays the role of Dr. Martin Brenner, Chief Scientist at Hawkins Laboratory. His hopes of a return could come true, at least in theory. “As far as I know, the Duffer brothers haven’t started writing season five yet,” Modine said. Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer are writing and directing.

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