Celebrity news: Helene Fischer appeases her mother during the concert – Panorama

Helene Fischer, 39, singer, is a security officer on her own behalf. “Mom, I know what you feel, and I now know what it’s like to worry,” she, who now has a daughter of her own, said during a concert. Fischer is known for her elaborate shows with stage acrobatics and recently suffered serious injuries during rehearsals and performances. Now she is back on stage. She promised her mother: “I am never careless, I never approach anything carelessly.” Then she added: “Don’t worry, mom, everything is safe!” A fan captured the moment on video and posted the clip later on TikTok.

(Photo: Frank Augstein/dpa)

Boris Johnson, 59, former British Prime Minister, is now allowed to go swimming. After it became known that the construction of an outdoor pool on his property in Oxfordshire could endanger the native newts, there was talk of the need to relocate the entire population. The South Oxfordshire District Council has now given conditional approval to the construction work, reported the BBC . The pool should be 80 meters away from the nearby pond.

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(Photo: Boris Roessler/dpa)

Uschi Glas, 79, actress, has found the secret to a good marriage. “Of course you have to have mutual affection and fundamental love for each other, that’s clear. But the most important thing is to treat each other with respect,” she told the German Press Agency. As a couple, you shouldn’t let everyday life “pass by without actually thinking about it.” An important point is to treat each other well, said Glas. “You should never forget that it’s not a given that you can spend life as a couple. And that it’s beautiful and that, thank God, you’re healthy and everything that goes with it.” Uschi Glas has been married to management consultant Dieter Hermann for the second time since 2005.

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(Photo: Bruna Prado/dpa)

Post Malone, 28, musician, doesn’t want to pass on his celebrity. “I feel like a lot of people think they have the right to know every single detail in every person’s life,” he told the fashion magazine CR Fashion Book. But he wants his daughter to be able to decide for herself later whether and when she goes into public. Post Malone’s real name is Austin Richard Post and he became a father in May 2022.

Ferdinando Sciabarra, 75, Sicilian pensioner, gives away his rock. The part-owner of the “Scala dei Turchi”, a photo motif popular with tourists on the southern coast of Sicily, is giving his shares in the site to the associated municipality free of charge, as Italian media reported. Previously, Sciabarrà had apparently tried unsuccessfully to auction the rock. Last year he suggested US multimillionaire Elon Musk as a buyer. The “Scala dei Turchi” (“Stairs of the Turks”) supposedly owes its name to Saracen pirates, who were locally called “Turks” and are said to have docked there. Sciabarrà had said several times that he wanted the rock to be accessible free of charge. However, it became increasingly difficult for him to direct the flow of tourists and prevent the rock from gradually crumbling under the many people.

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