Celebrity news: Greta Thunberg feels happy despite the climate crisis

Greta Thunberg, 19, Swedish climate activist, feels great. “Sometimes it seems strange to me because I know that the climate crisis is making a lot of people depressed. But I’m happier than ever before. Maybe because I feel a sense,” she told the magazine star. Nevertheless, she sometimes struggles with making the right decisions: “I just sit there and think. Sometimes I toss a coin or ask people without context: yes or no? It’s very difficult for me to make decisions.” It’s exciting: “The bigger the decisions, the easier it is.”

(Photo: via www.imago-images.de/imago images/Cover-Images)

William Shatner, 91, Canadian actor, has lost his fascination with outer space. “All I saw was death,” he writes in his book Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder. from which the magazine Variety quoted. Shatner is best known for his role as Captain Kirk on the series “Starship Enterprise”; In 2021 he finally went into space in reality. “My journey into space was meant to be a celebration. Instead, it felt like a funeral,” he continues. He discovered that beauty is not in space, but “down there”, on earth.

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(Photo: Britta Pedersen/dpa)

Max Raabe, 59, singer, is grateful for his monotonous style of clothing. “Wearing a tuxedo and tails on stage is also a kind of laziness, because I don’t have to worry: What am I going to wear today? What did I wear on this stage last year?” he told the German press. Agency. “I’m fine with that. And you immediately have a certain attitude. That helps.” He doesn’t really care what clothes people come to the concert in. “I’m always happy when they dress up a bit and enjoy it, celebrate the evening, but I don’t judge people by their clothes.”

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(Photo: Paul Ellis/dpa)

William40, prince, and Kate, 40, princess, philosophize about fate and how to deal with it. “You can be living your normal life in a minute and then something massive changes and you realize you don’t necessarily have the tools or the experience to deal with it,” William said on BBC’s Newsbeat. which he moderated with his wife Kate on Tuesday. William had to deal with the sudden death of his mother Diana at the age of 15. Kate added that taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. “Just as we go to the gym, we also need to take care of our soul and nurture it,” she said.

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