Celebrity News: But Her Emails! -Panorama

Hillary Clinton, 74, US politician, recommends a cup of reading. “Take a sip from your new mug while you read the news…” writes the former presidential candidate on twitter to a headline that ex-President Donald Trump has a habit of shredding documents, and a photo of a mug with Clinton drawn on it and the words “But her emails.”

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(Photo: shop.onwardtogether.org)

The sentence alludes to the fact that Clinton used a private email server as Secretary of State, which Trump repeatedly criticized as suspicious in the 2016 presidential campaign. The FBI saw no breach of the law in this. As the Washington Post reports, some documents that Trump is said to have previously destroyed have surfaced in connection with the investigation into the storming of the Capitol in January 2021.

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(Photo: Henrik Josef Boerger/picture alliance / dpa)

testo34, rapper and part of hip hop duo Moved Masculine, is of the opinion that East German musicians are more self-confident about their origins today. “Especially because at some point people started to be open about it and to address it in their art,” said the rapper who grew up in Stralsund, whose real name is Hendrik Bolz, of the German Press Agency. artists and bands like Marteria, power club or Fine cream fish fillet are “just people who reach a lot of people and talk openly about East Germany”.

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(Photo: Alastair Grant/dpa)

Duchess Kate, 40, royal storyteller, delights young television viewers with a bedtime story. She will read Kate Jill Tomlinson’s story of the ‘Little Owl’ who is afraid of the dark on BBC children’s television channel CBeebies on Sunday. It’s about a baby barn owl, Plop, who gains confidence and overcomes his fears with the help of others. The show is part of a “Children’s Mental Health Week” to raise awareness of the mental well-being of young people.

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Pete Davidson, 28, US comedian, sheds light on some fans. In a video interview by US magazine People is a candle in Davidson’s bedroom with the picture of the reality TV actress Kim Kardashian, 41, to see. In the same interview, he publicly refers to Kardashian as his “girlfriend” for the first time. Kardashian is in the process of divorcing US rapper Kanye West, 44.

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(Photo: Willy Sanjuan/dpa)

Will Arnett51, Canadian actor, recounts a tough time after splitting from fellow actress Amy Poehler, 50. “One day I was driving my car to a shoot and I pulled over to the side of the road and cried for an hour,” said the Arnett of the British newspaper Guardians. The time was “almost unbearable”. “Just brutal, brutal, brutal.” Arnett and Poehler announced their separation in 2012 after nine years of marriage. The two have two sons together. Arnett had a third son in 2020 with his current girlfriend Alessandra Brawn.

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