“Celebrity Big Brother”: Jürgen Milski attacks “Souphen” Paulina | Entertainment

Mob trouble on “Celebrity Big Brother”!

The fourth live show threatened to get out of hand on Thursday evening. After the nomination, reality star Paulina Ljubas (26) and container icon Jürgen Milski (60) got into a fight. During the loud argument, the TV prison veteran in particular used a harsh tone.

Apparently the nerves are already really frayed. There is no other way to explain these scenes. Even trash fans have them Jürgen Milski has never seen anything like this before. The candidate’s harmless criticism really caused the “Big Brother” veteran to freak out. An exchange of blows below the belt.

Everything is still good there. Iris (l.) and Paulina find out about the party plans for Jürgen. He’s celebrating his 60th birthday in the house. Roommate Philo wants to throw him a party

Photo: SAT.1.

Paulina had only complained that he and a roommate were often quite loud and thus disturbed the others. For this she was severely attacked by Milski. He scornfully: “When we sit there and have fun. Why do you think we care about this?” And then it really started. When Ljubas replied, “Do you think I care that you’re upset about it now,” her sparring partner completely lost her composure.

What she thinks is “completely stupid” to him anyway Milski. He does a 180: “You’ll be out of here soon anyway! What do you actually want?” Paulina, who has actually already been nominated for the exit, didn’t back down after this attack. On the contrary! She countered: “And that’s really a bit pathetic at your age.” With that, the dispute finally got out of control, and the remaining residents could only watch as the situation escalated.

Milski now took aim at his opponent’s TV past on various dating shows. He rumbled: “Television formats like these that you take part in are poor, you chicken!” Then Paulina: “It’s poor when you have to attack a young girl like that when you’re 60.” She also accused him of doing so Sleeping the whole room snoring together.

The container oldie could only laugh heartily at that and said: “Aren’t you completely closed?” She, on the other hand, would just sit around and “annoy” him. Again he referred to the candidate as a “chicken”, and in return she disparagingly called her “an old reality star”. Two generations clashed here. Some residents tried to mediate, but were unsuccessful.

The residents sit together while Marco Schlitzer (2nd from right) reports on his experiences with bullying during his time at school

The residents sit together while Marco Schlitzer (2nd from right) reports on his experiences with bullying during his time at school

Photo: SAT.1.

Jürgen continued to rage. “You’re a laughingstock to me! Who are you?” And then he delivered a deep blow: “Are you from some bums format and are you messing with me or something?” At that moment, no one was thinking about the nomination anymore. Paulina was extremely disappointed in her container colleague. She: “You act nice and close to the people here, but actually you just think you’re the hottest one.”

Before things escalated even further, they switched off the big Brother a. The voice announced: “Speaking of soup chicken: one of you has to go to Penny now.” That meant there was peace in the box for the time being.

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