CDU after federal election: “The East decided the election”

Status: 02.10.2021 03:23 a.m.

The Union continues to lick the wounds after the general election. Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Haseloff stated that the East had made the choice. CDU presidium member Röttgen calls for a comprehensive renewal process.

After the Union’s defeat in the Bundestag election, CDU presidium member Norbert Röttgen has called for personnel consequences and a fresh start. This must happen quickly, regardless of whether the Union will be involved in the next government or not, said Röttgen the “Tagesspiegel”.

You now have to honestly say what everyone knows anyway: “The lack of acceptance of the candidate was the main topic of conversation in the election campaign. Armin Laschet knows that too.” However, it is not enough now to “change just one person”. The renewal process must be comprehensive: “Party, parliamentary group, content, communication, staff.”

Karliczek urges unity

Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” that if the Union went into opposition, “everything would have to be put to the test”. “everyone agrees”. Education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU), meanwhile, urged unity. “In the end, nobody has anything from intrigues,” she told the Funke media group.

The deputy CDU chairman Thomas Strobl called for a thorough review of the election defeat. “Regardless of how the exploratory talks or coalition negotiations end, we must and will look at and analyze the election results very carefully,” said the Baden-Württemberg interior minister to the Funke newspapers.

Haseloff: “The East made the choice”

Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) sees East Germany as crucial for the poor performance of the Union in the federal elections. “The East decided the choice,” he told the “Rheinische Post”. “If the CDU hadn’t cut ten percentage points below the West in the east, the Union would have emerged victorious in the federal elections.”

Haseloff had spoken out in favor of CSU leader Markus Söder in the decision on the Union’s candidacy for chancellor and argued, among other things, with his high popularity ratings. “I’ve never made a secret of who gets better in the East,” Haseloff told the newspaper. Not only the program is important, “also trust in people”.

“We are dealing with an event in the Bundestag election that must be carefully evaluated,” said Haseloff. But he was confident: “The strong popular parties CDU and CSU will, like so many others before, dissolve this sensibly. This choice is not the end of the world for us if we draw the right conclusions from it.”

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