Camping hacks: Five tips & tricks for eating and cooking

Camping hacks help to simplify outdoor life – especially when cooking and eating in the great outdoors, there are some useful tips and tricks so that you don’t have to go without anything.

When going on a camping holiday, it is important to make do with small equipment. You usually leave the comfort at home and forego some habits. But does it really have to be that way? We want to make as few compromises as possible, especially when it comes to cooking and eating. With the right camping hacks and a few storage tips and tricks, you can prepare delicious meals – almost like you would at home. We have put together five tips on what needs to be on board and how little tricks can make our life easier when camping.

1. These things must be with you – the equipment

In order to be able to prepare food optimally and tasty when camping, you should have a basic set of camping equipment with you.

The camping stove

Camping stoves are usually operated with suitable gas cartridges and are light and space-saving. There are different models with one or two flames. Depending on how often and how elaborately warm cooking is required, there is a suitable model. We recommend choosing a stove with a case for optimal storage and ordering the right gas cartridges.

Click here for the camping stove offer on Ebay

The camping grill

Should you definitely end your exuberant camping days with a barbecue? No problem, because there are extra camping grills that are easy to handle and transport. Whether meat, fish or vegetables – meals sizzled over the fire taste twice as good. But be careful: there is often an acute risk of forest fires in summer. Gas grills can help here.

Click here for the camping grill offer at Lidl

The camping oven

You can quickly bake a few rolls for breakfast or even bake a small cake for the afternoon with a camping oven that is specially designed for camping adventures and can be used together with a gas stove. Dishes such as quiche or omelette can also be prepared quickly and easily.

Click here for the camping oven offer on Amazon

The camping toaster

The day can begin with a hearty breakfast. If you don’t want to miss out on freshly toasted bread or rolls, you can use a simple and handy camping toaster that can be used on a gas stove or open fire.

Click here for the toaster offer on Ebay

The camping espresso machine

A caffeine kick in the morning is a must, but should it be a tasty espresso? Then there are portable espresso machines for travel and outdoor adventures that quickly and easily make delicious coffee just like you would at home, without any batteries or electricity.

Click here for the espresso machine offer on Amazon

The thermal mug

Thermo mugs are a must-have when camping because they not only keep drinks warm, but also keep them nice and cool when necessary.

Click here for the thermal mug offer at Lidl

2. Not so perishable – these foods should be on board

  • For in-between: Muesli and fruit bars, nuts and dried fruit, fruit
  • For breakfast: Oatmeal or muesli, crispbread, long-life bread, jarred spreads, honey
  • For lunch and dinner: Pasta, couscous, lentils, rice, sauces in jars, canned soups or dishes, fresh vegetables
  • Aside from that: Tea, coffee, spices, water

3. Camping hacks for storing food

When camping there is often one thing that is particularly lacking: space. That’s why it’s essential to store food in a space-saving manner.

  • Coffee: Place the coffee powder in portions in a filter and tie it with dental floss – then use it like a tea bag in hot water in the morning.
  • Spices: Fill into Tic-Tac boxes – these can be stacked to save space.
  • Eggs: To avoid breaking, simply whip it up and add it to a water bottle. So the morning scrambled eggs are almost ready.
  • Food: Rice, pasta, etc. can be optimally stored in zip-lock bags. If you’re only traveling for the weekend, you can even pre-cook meals and take them with you in a zip-top bag.

4. Important for real outdoor adventures: water treatment

If you don’t want to carry liters of water with you when camping, you can use filter options for water treatment. This is not necessary on German campsites where there is water from the tap, but the further south or into the wilderness you go, the more important it becomes to treat water to drinking quality. There are simple and compact water filters that can be easily stored in your luggage and, thanks to the built-in filter system, prepare drinkable water in no time.

Click here for the water filter offer on Ebay

5. One-pot meals

If you choose a particularly compact camping stove with just one flame, you don’t have to miss out on delicious and complex meals. There are good one-pot recipes with pasta, couscous or rice and sauce with vegetables that can be optimally prepared on a small camping stove in just one pot.

Click here for the one-pot cookbook offer on Amazon

Make your outdoor life easier with camping hacks

Nobody has to go without delicious dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner when camping. With the right utensils and a few simple camping hacks, meals can be made in no time.

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