Buying a property as a couple: A house for two often causes arguments later

When couples buy a property together, things can get tricky in the event of a separation. Therefore, both married and unmarried people must conclude the correct contracts and regulate the entry in the land register.

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In the beginning there is great love, but in the end the arguments are often greater: many couples buy a house or apartment together and pay off the loan together. However, both partners are not always registered in the land register with their fair shares. That doesn’t matter as long as both stay together in harmony. But woe betide you if they break up.

Ralph Pellkamp (name changed by the editors) has separated and has already co-financed two apartments without ultimately owning any of them. First the building of a house for his childhood friend, then the purchase of an apartment for his future partner. But he was never a formal co-owner. He had not made any contracts with his two partners, but had trusted that everything would somehow balance itself out over the years.

But if you never put anything down in writing, you will have a problem when you separate, as many separated people who have financed a house together with their partner know.

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