Burger King joins a campaign for free condoms in pharmacies for young people

“A burger, a fries and a condom wrapper, please.” » Since the start of 2023, all young people under 26 can obtain condoms free of charge in pharmacies. But since January, only 150,000 young people have benefited from this free service. However, 15-25 year olds represent 8.6 million people in France.

Many pharmacists regret the lack of communication with young people on this subject. So to give a boost to this measure, a major communication campaign is launching this Monday, in partnership with Burger King, Librairie Momie and happn.

“Free condoms aren’t here”

Starting today, stores will distribute empty condom packages with this message: “Free condoms aren’t here. It’s in all pharmacies. » Clear, the message aims to reach as many young people as possible in order to direct them towards pharmacies or the website condotes-gratuites.fr which lists the pharmacies around your location.

“The idea of ​​this campaign is simple: to draw the attention of young people to the ease of access to free condoms to fight against the spread of STIs in France,” explains the Majorelle Laboratories press release. In recent years, the number of new diagnoses of HIV infection has not decreased in France, stagnating around 5,000 in 2021. In addition, according to Public Health France, 15% of people who discovered their HIV status in 2021 were aged under 25 years old, and the share of this age group has not decreased since 2017. Prevention is therefore all the more necessary in this age group.

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