Bundestag allows participation of the Bundeswehr in mission in Niger

Status: 04/28/2023 2:29 p.m

The Bundeswehr is to withdraw from Mali by May next year. In order to remain present in the region, the Bundestag has now allowed participation in an EU mission in neighboring Niger – to build up the armed forces.

The Bundestag has given the green light for the participation of German soldiers in the new EU partnership mission in Niger (EUMPM Niger). The Bundeswehr can thus send up to 60 men and women to make a contribution to the further development of the Nigerien armed forces in the West African country, which are fighting Islamist terrorists and armed gangs.

531 MPs voted for the operation, 102 were against – five abstained. The mandate was granted until May 31, 2024. With the new mission, the EU is stepping up its engagement in the country, which has proven to be more reliable than neighboring Mali.

The Bundeswehr should withdraw from there by May next year. The reason for this are tensions with the military junta, which, from Germany’s point of view, repeatedly hinders the UN mission MINUSMA. Around 1,100 Bundeswehr men and women are currently deployed in Mali as part of MINUSMA; the maximum mandate is 1,400 soldiers.

France is relocating its troops from Mali to neighboring Niger.

One of the most dangerous regions in the world

The border triangle between Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso has become one of the most dangerous regions in the world. Militant Islamist rebels have been spreading across the region from northern Mali since 2012. EUMPM Niger has been tasked with providing capacity building support to the Nigerien Armed Forces. Three projects are to form the core: the establishment of a technical school, specialized supplementary training for existing associations and the establishment of a command support battalion. Participation in combat missions is expressly excluded.

The German government explained that the security situation in the Sahel region has continued to deteriorate despite considerable international support. “Terrorist groups have been able to expand their theaters of operations to large parts of Mali, Burkina Faso and, to some extent, Niger.” As a result, the threat in the border regions of the Sahel states with the coastal states has increased noticeably, according to the application that has now been passed. Crises that aggravated each other weakened the region’s stability and development opportunities “and directly affect Germany’s and Europe’s foreign and security policy interests.”

Defense Minister Pistorius visited the German soldiers in Mali for the first time.

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