Bund-Länder-Talks: Several Länder for small emergency brakes

Status: 11/30/2021 4:10 p.m.

During consultations with Chancellor Merkel and her designated successor Scholz, union and green-led countries demanded uniform new corona measures nationwide. Scholz advocated a general compulsory vaccination.

After the Karlsruhe ruling on the Corona “emergency brake” in spring, Chancellor Angela Merkel and her likely successor Olaf Scholz spoke with the federal states about the pandemic situation. It became clear that the Union-led states and Baden-Württemberg are pushing for concrete minimum resolutions. Scholz showed sympathy for a general vaccination requirement.

Concrete protective measures

According to information from ARDCapital studios the so-called B countries agreed on a five-point catalog of requirements with protective measures.

Accordingly, unvaccinated people should only be allowed to meet a maximum of five people from a maximum of two households in the future. Vaccinated, convalescent and children under the age of twelve are not included in the total number of people. Spouses, civil partners and partners in a cohabiting relationship would count as one household, even if they do not have a common place of residence.

Clubs and discos are to be closed according to the ideas of the B countries. At major events, the capacity should only be used to a third. Schleswig-Holstein wants to make these rules dependent on incidences.

Federal and state consultations on possible corona measures

Frank Jahn, ARD Berlin, Frank Jahn, ARD Berlin, November 30th, 2021

Infection Protection Act is to be adapted

In the event that the Bundestag does not re-establish the epidemic situation of national scope, the states ask the federal government to amend the Infection Protection Act by December 10 so that certain measures are fully available to them. In areas with an extraordinarily high seven-day incidence, it should be possible to place restrictions in excess of the minimum measures mentioned.

Will vaccinations be mandatory in nursing homes and clinics this year?

In addition, the federal states ask the federal government to initiate the preparation of a general vaccination requirement as soon as possible. The facility-related vaccination obligation in nursing homes and hospitals to protect particularly vulnerable people, which was decided on in the federal-state round on November 18, must come into force this year.

SPD negotiating groups pointed out, however, that no resolutions were planned in today’s round because it was not a regular conference of prime ministers.

Scholz: General compulsory vaccination and 2G in retail

In the conversation, Scholz also showed sympathy for a general compulsory vaccination against Corona. The vote in the Bundestag should take place without group pressure, said Scholz, according to media reports in the round.

The “Spiegel” quoted Scholz from the ongoing negotiations as saying that it was important “that we establish a general compulsory vaccination”. The SPD politician said: “As a member of parliament, I will agree with her in any case, so that I can be very clear.” In his opinion, compulsory vaccination should begin “when everyone had a realistic chance of being vaccinated twice,” the magazine quoted further.

According to information from the Reuters news agency, Scholz also spoke out in favor of introducing mandatory 2G in retail.

Kretschmann for the decision on the epidemic situation

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) went even further: He called for the epidemic situation to be re-proclaimed of national importance. “Without this decision, we have asymmetry in the corona measures,” said Kretschmann. According to the Infection Protection Act, the federal states are allowed to close cultural venues, but not shops or fairs. “If we close theaters but have to leave brothels open, you can imagine the discussion,” said Kretschmann.

With information from the ARD capital studio

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