British Secretary of Defense Wallace gives up post

Status: 08/31/2023 12:34 p.m

Britain gets a new defense secretary – Energy Secretary Shapps moves to head of defense ministry. The previous incumbent, Wallace, had previously submitted his resignation.

Britain’s Defense Minister Ben Wallace had already announced in mid-July that he wanted to give up his post – he has now officially submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He will be succeeded by Energy Secretary Grant Shapps.

In his Letter of resignation to Sunak Wallace thanked the Prime Minister for his leadership and looked back on the challenges that the past four years as Secretary of Defense had brought with them – including the crises in Sudan, the Taliban’s seizure of power in Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine. And Wallace was convinced that the future threatened to become “even more uncertain and unstable”.

In his letter, Wallace only indirectly gave reasons for his decision to resign. The job as secretary of defense was a responsibility that applied 24 hours a day, every day of the week, with a duty to be reachable almost all the time. After “much consideration” he decided to devote himself to areas of life he had neglected for so many years and to explore new possibilities, Wallace concluded his letter.

Since 2019 head of defense departments

In its Answer Sunak thanked his now-former defense minister. Wallace recognized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “true intentions” in Ukraine earlier than others, Sunak said. The Prime Minister showed understanding for the desire to step down after eight years full of the demanding tasks of a minister.

Wallace took over as defense secretary in 2019, then under Prime Minister Boris Johnson. He subsequently retained the post of minister both in the government of his Conservative party colleague Liz Truss and in Sunak’s current cabinet.

Shapps confirmed as successor

The new incumbent at the helm of the Defense Ministry has already been chosen: Prime Minister Sunak’s office confirmed that current Energy Secretary Shapps will take over the post. This should make him an important face when it comes to coordinating aid for Ukraine, which has been defending itself against Russia’s war of aggression for the past year and a half.

Shapps’ experience as a member of the British government cabinet is not limited to managing the Ministry of Energy. He was previously Minister of Transport and Minister of Economic Affairs. In October of last year, Shapps was also home secretary – but only for six days, as the government of Prime Minister Truss at the time collapsed shortly after his appointment.

Shapps is an “excellent choice” to succeed Wallace, ex-Prime Minister Johnson responded to news service X, formerly Twitter. It is sad that “his friend” Wallace is leaving office. As defense minister, he made many right decisions, especially with regard to Ukraine.

Former Secretary of State for Education Claire Coutinho is taking over as Energy Minister for Shapps. She has been a member of the British Parliament since 2019 and, according to the BCC, is a close confidant of Prime Minister Sunak.

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