Bride dies on wedding day – her husband discusses her last words

South Carolina
Bride dies in car crash on wedding day – husband shares her last words

The bride died in the accident and the groom was injured along with the other two people in the golf cart

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Aric Hutchinson and his wife were walking home after their wedding when they were hit by a car. The bride died instantly. Hutchinson tries to come to terms with her loss.

The fate of Aric Hutchinson and his wife Samantha Miller moved people all over the world: the couple from the US state of South Carolina were brutally separated just a few hours after their wedding. Hutchinson and Miller were hit by a car in a golf cart and Miller died at the scene. She was only 34 years old.

Hutchinson sustained serious injuries but is now recovering. He spoke for the first time about the terrible incident on the ABC News program “Good Morning America”. Tears kept coming to him. “I’m still trying to understand it,” said the 36-year-old. “It went from the top to the bottom that night. It’s quite difficult to understand that.”

He got the sad news from his mother

Hutchinson has no memory of the accident itself. The last thing he remembers was his wife telling him: “This night should never end.” He then found himself in the hospital with two broken legs, other broken bones and a brain injury. There he asked for his wife and received the message from his mother: “Sam didn’t make it.”

Speaking on the show about how he felt about his wife in the last hours before her death, Hutchinson said: “She was so happy. Planning a wedding, as most people know, is extremely stressful. But there was a strange calm about her on this evening.” The widower bears the heavy loss with astonishing strength. Instead of sharing life with his newly wed wife, after his release from the hospital he returned to an apartment where everything reminds him of the love of his life.

The person who caused the accident was under the influence of alcohol

It’s difficult, Hutchinson said, but also nice in a way: “The apartment has Sam’s signature. I know she’s watching me from up there and laughing at me trying to get up and down the stairs – it was her decision to move to the third floor.”

Hutchinson’s brother-in-law and nephew were also in the vehicle with the couple. The brother-in-law also suffered serious injuries, Hutchinson’s nephew only minor injuries. The widower’s mother had started a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of medical treatment and the funeral. More than $700,000 has already been raised.

The person who caused the accident had been heavily intoxicated and was clearly driving too fast. She was charged with drunk driving, negligent homicide and aggravated assault. Hutchinson has also filed a lawsuit against the 25-year-old woman.

Sources: “Good Morning America” / GoFundMe

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