Brandenburg: Nine Brandenburg schoolchildren in hospital because of foul gas

Nine Brandenburg schoolchildren in hospital because of foul gas

The Blumberg primary and secondary school. photo

© Britta Pedersen/dpa

Nine children in a class in Brandenburg go to the hospital – they complain of headaches, nausea and vomiting. The reason: a smell from a sewer pipe.

Presumably because of those who have left Nine children were taken to hospitals due to foul gases from a sewage pipe at a school in Ahrensfelde, Brandenburg. A spokesman for the Barnim district told the dpa news agency on Wednesday afternoon. They suffered from nausea and vomiting as well as headaches.

The symptoms appeared at the same time in the affected children. According to the spokesman, it is unclear whether these were actually signs of poisoning, as the fire department had said early in the morning.

According to the information, there were 25 children in the affected class. All children who were not taken to the hospital were excused from classes for the rest of the day and went home. In the meantime there was talk of 13 injured children, but the number has been corrected. General operations at the school continued.

Digester gases from sewage pipe

According to preliminary information, fermentation gases came out of a sewage pipe because a check valve broke due to heavy rain. According to a spokesman for the municipality of Ahrensfelde, it rained heavily immediately before school started on Wednesday morning.

Children noticed the smell and reported it to the teacher. It was said that the affected children’s classroom had been evacuated. Around 20 emergency vehicles were on site in the morning. According to the spokesman for the Barnim district, the foul gases could no longer be smelled by midday.


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