BR Research: Investigative Reporter Team | BR24


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Multiple awards
Cytotec research wins journalist prizes

Research on the controversial drug Cytotec received the DRK Medienpreis 2021 in addition to the Georg Schreiber Prize. BR Recherche, report Munich, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and later Buzzfeed News Germany had been reporting on the risky use of Cytotec in obstetrics since February 2020.

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Winnti |  Image: BR/Anna Hunger

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German journalist prize
Web project “Winnti” awarded by BR and NDR

A reporter team from BR and NDR has been awarded the German Journalist Prize in the category “IT and Communication” for researching industrial espionage by the Chinese hacker group “Winnti”.

All winners of the WEISSER RING journalist award 2019 |  Image: Malte Klauck

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WEISSER RING journalist award
“Tablet Children” award

On Saturday, November 16, Christiane Hawranek and Pia Dangelmayer received the WEISSEN RING journalists’ prize for the podcast “Die Tafelkinder”. “A journalistic masterpiece,” was the verdict of the jury.

"Europe's dirty harvest" gets a prize again |  Image: BR/Jan Zimmermann

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Journalism prize of the Bavarian Association of Cooperatives
Vanessa Lünenschloß and Jan Zimmermann awarded

Vanessa Lünenschloß and Jan Zimmermann have won the Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen Prize from the Bavarian Association of Cooperatives for their report “Europe’s Dirty Harvest”. The two authors and reporters spent more than a year researching the inhumane conditions under which refugees in Spain and Italy help with the harvest so that we can buy cheap fruit and vegetables in the supermarkets. “Other people pay the price that we don’t pay as consumers. That’s the suppressed scandal behind the award-winning TV piece,” was the jury’s reasoning.

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Prize winners 2019 |  Image: Verena Bruning

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Robert Geisendorfer Prize
“The Fallen Girls” awards

Bayerischer Rundfunk is pleased about the Robert Geisendörfer Prize for the report “Diefallen Mädchen” by Christiane Hawranek and Nadine Ahr, which was awarded in the radio category in Berlin on Thursday.

All award winners: (from left to right): Theresa Hein (SZ-Magazine), Isabelle Hartmann (BR), Philipp Mausshardt (ZEIT-Magazine), Nadine Ahr and Christiane Hawranek (BR) |  Image: Oliver Bodmer

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Karl Buchrucker Prize 2019
Win a radio documentary and notebook

Two BR productions were awarded the Karl Buchrucker Prize on Monday evening: The radio documentary “Diefallen Mädchen” by Nadine Ahr and Christiane Hawranek and the notebook contribution “25 Jahre Lichtblick Hasenbergl” by Isabelle Hartmann.

Laudator Kathrin Sonnenholzner with the award winners Alexander Krützfeld (SZ) and Eva Achinger (BR) |  Image: AOK

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Dr. Georg Schreiber Media Prize
BR authors get the triple

BR productions have been awarded the Georg Schreiber Media Prize three times this year. Eva Achinger won the online category with the co-production of BR Recherche and the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the conditions in German prisons, Ralf Fischer won the television prize for his controversial story, and Niklas Schenk received an award in the “Radio” category for his notebook contribution .

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Christiane Hawranek and Max Zierer have it "Journalist prize of the Bavarian Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken" won |  Image: Genossenschaftsverband Bayern e.  V

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Hermann Schulze Delitzsch Prize for Consumer Protection
Journalist award for contribution on video surveillance

Many surveillance cameras violate personal rights. Christiane Hawranek and Max Zierer uncovered violations in the radio foray. They have now been awarded for this.

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