Bavaria will receive 1.1 billion euros less in taxes by 2025 – Bavaria

By 2025, Bavaria will have to make do with a total of 1.1 billion euros less tax revenue than previously planned. Specifically, the Free State is forecast to see a decline in tax revenue of around 600 million euros for 2024 and a further 500 million euros for 2025, said Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) on Friday when presenting the results of the regionalized tax estimate in Nuremberg. “The result of the current tax estimate is the receipt for the failed traffic light policy in Berlin.”

Füracker called on the federal government to take measures to stimulate the economy in Germany: The tax estimate is a clear alarm signal. Other countries also suffered from crises, but economic growth elsewhere was significantly higher than in Germany. “It is high time. Things cannot continue like this, otherwise we will have really deep problems in our country.” Economic measures and new trust are needed instead of new promises that unsettle the economy.

With a view to the 149 billion euro double budget, Füracker said: “In view of the weak economic development, we already planned solidly when drawing up the double budget for 2024/2025 and prepared ourselves for foreseeable declines in tax revenue. But it is also a fact: our financial The scope for maneuver is very limited and additional additional expenses cannot be financed.” There is currently no need for action in the budget. However, if the negative trend in the tax estimate continues in the fall, a supplementary budget could become necessary.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the May tax estimate is based on the key macroeconomic data from the federal government’s spring projection, according to which slight real economic growth of 0.3 percent is expected this year and 1.0 percent next year. On Thursday, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) presented the overall tax forecast for the federal, state and local governments. Accordingly, 21.9 billion euros less will be collected in 2025 than was assumed last autumn.

The Bavarian budget plan is currently being finalized in the state parliament. According to the current plan, the adoption is planned for June.

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