Bordeaux is the most beautiful city in France, science says so

Bordeaux, the most beautiful city in France? Science says so. A (surprising) study of the brokerage site Online Mortgage Advisorreprise by RTLpublished a ranking of the 25 most beautiful cities in the world according to science.

For this, he based himself on the logic of Gold number (1.61803398875… ), which would be an expression of harmony and aesthetics in the arts and nature, and which we find in many fields such as geometry, architecture, painting… Many artists used the concept of proportion of the Golden Ratio, such as Leonardo da Vinci in Vitruvian Man, a Roman writer who believed that a building should have perfect symmetry and proportions like those found in nature. The concept has been applied to more than 2,400 buildings around the world, and a “beauty score” has been assigned for each city.

“If it’s science that says so, we’ll take it!” »

According to science, Venice in Italy is the most beautiful city in the world, with a score of 83.3%. Just behind, we find the Italian capital, Rome with 82%, which is ahead of Barcelona (78.7%). Bordeaux ranks ninth in this list (75.3%) and would thus be the most beautiful city in France, ahead of Paris (12th) and Strasbourg (22nd).

Contacted by 20 minutes, the director of the Bordeaux Métropole tourist office Olivier Occelli, is obviously delighted: “it’s always complex to analyze this kind of ranking, but if it’s science that says so, we take it! »

The general director of the tourist office recalls that “Bordeaux was classified by UNESCO in 2007” and that it is a city “with many architectural assets. » “We have emblematic monuments such as the Saint-Michel spire currently under renovation, the Cailhau door which will benefit from a new museography this summer to provide keys to understanding medieval Bordeaux, not to mention the 18th century facade of the Port de la Lune…”

Olivier Occelli hopes that this new ranking “will make new people want to come and discover Bordeaux. » “2023 was a very good year in terms of attendance, above 2022, with in particular a return of Americans, and a French and Spanish public still very present. And the year 2024 is already looking good. »

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