Blinken plays Neil Young in a bar in kyiv in tribute to the Ukrainian struggle

Antony Blinken treated himself to a moment of relaxation on Tuesday while sending a political message. The head of American diplomacy, a guitar and rock lover, played on Tuesday evening Rockin’ in The Free Worldby Neil Young, in a bar in kyiv, in tribute to the struggle of Ukrainians against the invasion of Russia.

On a surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital, where he continued to display the United States’ support for Ukraine in the face of the “Russian aggressor”, Antony Blinken ended an intense day of official meetings, including included with President Volodymyr Zelensky, playing the guitar and humming this legendary song in a basement bar, Barman Dictat.

“A large part of the world is with you”

“I know this is a very, very difficult time. Your soldiers, your citizens, especially in the Northeast, in Kharkiv, are suffering greatly. But they must know, you must know, that the United States is with you, that a large part of the world is with you,” he said before beating time.

“They are fighting not only for a free Ukraine, but also for a free world, and the free world is with you,” he added, accompanying a group of punk/jazz musicians, 19.99.

Barman Dictat is one of several underground bars in the center of kyiv, off the central thoroughfare Kreshchatik Street, near the famous Maidan Square.

Meeting with anti-corruption activists

The American Secretary of State had already tasted pizza alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kouleba, in a pizzeria founded by a veteran of the war with Russia, then strolled around Maidan Square before going to a café to chat with anti-corruption activists.

Antony Blinken’s visit is intended to reassure the country about Washington’s military aid, and send the message that “Russia looks back, while Ukraine looks forward,” according to a speech Tuesday in kyiv in front of the students of the polytechnic institute.

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