Bikini day: With these tips, swimwear stays beautiful for a long time

Bikini Day
With these tips, swimwear stays beautiful for a long time

July 5th is Bikini Day.

© Jacob Lund/

July 5th is Bikini Day. As a constant companion in summer, they get quite a bit of a strain. Swimwear stays beautiful for longer.

The bikini is our constant companion in the summer months and has to go through a lot: salt water, chlorine, sunscreen and sun are not exactly good for swimwear. Proper care is often neglected and, in the worst case, the parts are faded or worn out after a season. But that can be avoided! With these tips, your bikini and swimsuit will stay beautiful for as long as possible.

Wash bikini properly

Salt water and chlorine as well as residues from sunscreen and sand impair the elasticity and color strength of the bikini. Therefore, the bikini should be rinsed out with clear, cold water immediately after swimming.

Do not wring!

If the bikini is wet, you should never wring it out. This also disturbs the elasticity of the fabric and the bikini loses its shape. Instead, you can place the bikini between two dry towels and gently squeeze out the water. Then let air dry. In addition, you should not hang up the bikini or dry it in sunlight.

Don’t sunbathe in a wet bikini

After cooling off in the sea, lake or pool, most people first lie down in the sun to dry and warm up. A mistake! Because the sun’s rays bleach the color of the wet bikini and damage the fabric. Better put in the shade to dry.

Soak in sunscreen

Patience is also required when it comes to creaming. Because the bikini should come into contact with sunscreen as little as possible. The chemicals can damage the fabric and stain it. Therefore: After applying the cream, wait about half an hour until the cream has completely absorbed.

Hand wash

If you want to keep your bikini or swimsuit for several seasons, you should wash it by hand or use the washing machine’s hand or delicates program. In any case, the garments should first be turned inside out in the machine to protect the colour. If the bikini has underwire or metal elements, you should put it in a laundry net. Swimwear definitely does not belong in the tumble dryer!

Color protection with vinegar

If you want to avoid the bikini changing color from neon to pastel, you can rely on vinegar. It has a colour-fixing effect. To do this, soak the bikini in water with a tablespoon of vinegar before washing and then rinse it out.


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