BFM-TV fires its presenter Rachid M’Barki following suspicions of foreign interference

  1. BFM-TV fires its presenter Rachid M’Barki following suspicions of foreign interferenceThe world
  2. M’Barki case at BFMTV: the channel fires journalist Rachid M’Barki and files a complaintfranceinfo
  3. Suspicion of foreign interference at BFMTV: journalist Rachid M’Barki is dismissed for serious misconduct, the
  4. Suspicion of interference: Rachid M’Barki fired from BFMTV, the channel files a complaint against XThe Parisian
  5. Suspicion of interference: BFMTV fires Rachid M’BarkiPoint
  6. See full coverage on Google News

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