Bespoke Jet Bot Combo: Samsung’s latest vacuum cleaner robot is supposed to steam away stains

The newest Samsung robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with a special steam function to remove stains.

With its steam generation system, the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo aims to improve floor care. For this purpose, the device is equipped with a mop that is moistened and heated with steam and scrubs the dirty floor areas at up to 170 revolutions per minute.

Samsung says this steam-powered scrubbing can remove dried-on stains that traditional robot mops struggle with. The mops are washed and dried in the cleaning station between cleaning jobs.

The Jet Bot Combo features AI object detection to recognize specific rooms and furniture. This allows him to avoid areas like bathrooms and porches and concentrate on other rooms. The AI ​​technology also detects stains during the cleaning process and causes the robot to switch to steam cleaning unless it is driving on carpet. Users have to rely on floor detection, which ensures that only smooth floors are mopped.

The Jet Bot Combo’s dust container is automatically emptied at the cleaning station.

Samsung notes that the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo is still in development. Features and specifications are subject to change prior to official launch. The manufacturer has not yet named a price.

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