Bernhard Blöchl’s Road Novel – Culture

When you’re on your way to Madonna but then need to find God, meeting a man who writes lyrics for fortune cookies can be meaningful. “The first kiss tastes sweet, the last kiss tastes salty” – this cookie prophecy reaches the young leading actor Eddie of the coming-of-age novel “A Divine Youth” by SZ editor Bernhard Blöchl on his journey to himself To find out what lies behind this promise, Eddie must first leave the stifling of his hometown behind, deal with the first hickey, experience hash and learn to understand the force of true feelings.

Eddie is different from the other youngsters in the village by the woods. Only grandma Elfie understands him, he sips eggnog with her and listens to hits by Karel Gott. But what God is to them, Madonna is to Eddie – everyone needs someone to adore. It’s the early 1990s when Eddie sets off on his moped on his way to America to see his pop idol. It goes without saying that there are twists and turns in this humorous and poetic road novel.

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