Berlin testimonials: he or she or just a name – politics

Yes, the personal pronouns he or she may still be printed on school reports in Berlin in the future – although some media now suggest the opposite. But at the end of this school year there should be a third option in certain formulations for the first time: the name of the person who receives the certificate – without specifying whether it is a student or a person who is beyond these two opportunities prescribed.

“If there is a desire to be addressed neutrally or by name in relation to gender identity, teachers will respect this,” said a spokesman for Berlin’s Senator for Schools, Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD). In the BZ the spokesman emphasized that it was not about a “gender obligation”. But that didn’t stop the newspaper from writing big and red about its report that he and she had been “deleted”.

Gender issues in school are sure to generate a certain amount of emotion, whether it’s spelling or toilets. This applies above all to Berlin, where the accusation that the Senate has nothing more urgent to do – hire teachers, renovate schools – finds particular support.

In the case of the certificates, however, Berlin only makes possible what has long been possible in other federal states: an assessment without specifying a gender. So far, unlike in Baden-Württemberg or Lower Saxony, teachers in Berlin have had to resort to pre-formulated sentences like this: “She/he will – not – be transferred to grade _”. Instead, there should be a placeholder in the future, if desired for the name or, as usual, for him or her.

Incidentally, with all due regard for the self-determination of young people, such a wish may only be deposited with the school. Otherwise the parents have to do it.

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