Berlin Senate tightened corona rules for clubs and major events

New corona rules also for major events

Berlin Senate forbids dancing in clubs

dpa / C. Gateau

Audio: Inforadio | 03.12.2021 | Sebastian Schöbel | Image: dpa / C. Gateau

The Berlin clubs are allowed to stay open for the time being – however, dancing there is prohibited from Wednesday. Then the new corona rules of the federal and state governments are to be implemented in the capital. This also includes new restrictions on events.

The new corona rules, which the federal and state governments have agreed on, are expected to apply in Berlin from next Wednesday. That said Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) on Friday after a special session of the Senate.

The so-called dance pleasures are prohibited by the Senate, Clubs and discos but may remain open for the time being – but without dancing, it is only allowed to eat and drink. Despite the ban on dancing, clubs should remain cultural sites. “But it was important to me that clubs can continue to offer events such as concerts (with seats), readings, exhibitions or film screenings,” said the Berlin Senator for Culture, Klaus Lederer.

A lockdown of the clubs and discos is not off the table, however. The federal and state governments agreed on Thursday that more than 350 clubs and discos would have to close if the incidence was 7 days or more. In Berlin, the incidence is currently around 360.

Bars and pubs are also allowed to remain open for the time being

A maximum of 5,000 people at major events

2G in retail and masking requirements in schools already apply

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