Become actors in the fight against “fake news” with the memes of “20 Minutes” on vaccination

“The Red Cross excludes the vaccinated from donating blood in the United States and Japan. “” Messenger RNA vaccines modify DNA. “” We do not know the composition of vaccines against Covid-19. These affirmations, you may have heard them during a conversation with colleagues or during a family meal during the holidays. Maybe you’ve read them on social media. What do they have in common? They are false or misleading.

Images to share to respond to “fakes”

At the start of the year, the fact-checking section of 20 minutes offers you a new format to become actors and actresses in the fight against “fake news”. In a series of nine images to share, we answer several statements about vaccination. ” 20 minutes and its editorial staff are committed to the fight against “fake news” in 2017 by creating an ad hoc service, underlines Armelle Le Goff, editorial director. This commitment continues today with this memes project, which aims in a fun way to adopt the codes of “fake news” to better denounce them. “

You will find all of these memes on the social networks of 20 minutes (
Instagram…). They are also available below. Don’t hesitate to save and share them!

You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes
You can save and share this image.
You can save and share this image. – 20 minutes


Coronavirus: A vaccination campaign … and disinformation


Vaccination: “No, the pharmacovigilance databases do not allow us to know the number of deaths due to the injection”

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