Bayreuth: The Franconian wild boar “Putin” gets a new name – Bavaria


Olaf Przybilla, Bayreuth

According to the Upper Franconian wildlife park Waldhaus Mehlmeisel, it is planning a “serious change”. As the operator Eckard Mickisch announced in a statement, the facility would like to rename a male wild boar from Russia, which was christened “Putin” three years ago, as soon as possible.

According to Mickisch, when the pig was admitted to the wild boar enclosure in the Bayreuth district, it was something special because it weighed almost three times as much as its Western European counterparts. Because of its ancestry, it was baptized in the name of the Russian President.

According to Mikisch, the wild boar has meanwhile “developed into a stately, socially acceptable and sociable boar” that weighs almost 200 kilograms. According to Mikisch, the entire “gang of pigs” of the wildlife park are presented by name during daily tours. So also the wild boar from Russia.

Now, however, the decision has been made that “no pig” deserves the name, explains the operator of the park. That’s why he decided: “The name Putin has to go!” The first change of name in the history of the facility, which has existed since 2004, is therefore planned. Proposals can be submitted until the end of the month. Initial entries are for “Gorbachev” and “Ivan the Bristly”.

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