Bayreuth: AfD man Tillschneider remains a lecturer at the University of Bavaria

According to Science Minister Sibler, no facts are known that justify a revocation of Hans-Thomas Tillschneider’s license to teach. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution observed him as one of the leading figures of the “wing”.

The AfD politician Hans-Thomas Tillschneider from Saxony-Anhalt remains a private lecturer at the University of Bayreuth despite observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Science Minister Bernd Sibler (CSU) replied to a request from the SPD parliamentary group that there are no known facts that justify a revocation of the license to teach.

Tillschneider completed his habilitation at the University of Bayreuth in autumn 2019. Since then he has given a block seminar in Islamic Studies, which, according to the university, comprises two hours per week per academic year and is not remunerated. According to Bavarian university law, Tillschneider has the right and is even obliged to do so in order to be able to use the title.

As a member of the Magdeburg state parliament, Tillschneider attracted attention several times with harsh remarks. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution observed him as one of the leading figures of the formally dissolved AfD “wing”. This is classified as a proven extremist endeavor. According to the ministry, it is not possible to withdraw the Member’s license to teach for this reason. For this he would have to make himself liable to prosecution. The university confirmed that.

University President Stefan Leible announced that there were no known facts that would allow a revocation of teaching. “We are bound by laws here and have no legal leeway.” According to the university, there are no indications that Tillschneider allows his political opinion to flow into his seminars.

© SZ from 07/23/2021 / dpa / kafe

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