Bavaria’s state development program: a complete restart is required – Bavaria

The state government has revised its state development program. Too vague, too non-binding, experts say – and call for a complete fresh start.

It is seldom that the chairman of the Bund Naturschutz (BN), Richard Mergner, praises the state government. But it happens. So this Monday, in the debate about the new state development program (LEP) of the Free State. “Basically, we see in the state government’s draft a revived claim to actively control the development of the Free State,” says Mergner. Mergner also recognizes that the state government has withdrawn some of the highly controversial relaxations for the designations of new commercial areas. But that’s it. “For many key aspects, there are no binding targets and, above all, effective instruments for their implementation,” Mergner continues. “That’s why the new LEP is patchwork. If Bavaria really wants to be fit for the future, it has to be completely redesigned.”

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