Bavaria: When newcomers complain – a gloss – Bavaria

If someone has not been there that long, let’s say at most four or five generations, then in Franconia, especially in Lower Franconia, one speaks of a Neigschmeggden. Such is characterized by the fact that it may be useful, possibly even a fine character, but in case of doubt unfortunately it cannot be added to the – sociologically now – autochthonous indigenous population. That means: someone like that may have something to say, but cannot have a say. Especially not when it comes to local deficits.

So to “We in Bavaria”, this TV feel-good living room, where you can dawn so fabulously dignified into the evening when it gets dark. They recently dealt with the question “Where and how do we want to live” there, and someone was invited who, according to all criteria of traditional Franconian self-image, could be counted among the Neigschmeggden group.

The man himself made no secret of it either, telling what he and his family had hoped for two and a half years ago, when moving to Schwarzenbach am Wald in Upper Franconia. You wanted to buy something nice, then renovate, big garden, children playing in the street, things like that. And then you drove along the main street of the city for the first time (the studio guest put it: “the so-called main street”), and there you saw “shops” to the left and right. And when looking at these ex-deals, it looked “as if Chernobyl had broken out”.

Chernobyl in naturally beautiful Upper Franconia, yes, they find that polite there right now. Especially since the man says he did not move to Franconia from New York, Rio or Tokyo. But from the Harz.

Speaking of moved. The peacock, who was recently mentioned at this point because he wandered around freely in Franconia, has now changed his administrative district. As a newcomer, he will live in a spacious stable in Upper Bavaria in the future, the supply is just as secure as the addressing of conspecifics, including women. His new hostel father said a sentence in the BR that can be used for any educational film about the gradual creation of thoughts while speaking. The peacock now has, hm, “women, food, freedom”. What more could he want. Hopefully the Neigschmeggde will see it that way too.

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