Bavaria: Saskia Esken visits the SPD parliamentary group – Bavaria

The SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament wants to conduct an election analysis and present its content at a meeting until Thursday. They stand “for an affordable life and social policy in a time of great uncertainty,” said parliamentary group leader Florian von Brunn, who was recently confirmed in office despite an electoral defeat. The SPD’s issues were not the wrong ones, but they had to be communicated to the public.

SPD federal leader Saskia Esken, who was a guest on Wednesday, said state policies such as housing and educational justice had been “drowned out by the noise of a populist and polarizing election campaign.” Esken identified a “crisis exhaustion” in society and also “incitement” by right-wing and right-wing extremist parties, with migrants as “scapegoats”.

The SPD parliamentary group still wants to focus on immigration in a debate with migration researcher Gerald Knaus. We stand by asylum for politically persecuted people, “but irregular immigration is a problem,” said Brunn. “Order when it comes to migration is important. Not everyone can stay here. This also includes consistently separating skilled immigration and asylum procedures.” Esken added, probably alluding to an earlier Horst Seehofer quote, “Migration is not the mother of all problems, but part of the solution.”

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