Bavaria is expanding renewables – Bavaria

Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters), has described the current report on the federal and state level on the status of the expansion of renewable energies in Germany as a “good interim report for Bavarian energy policy”. Aiwanger, who is responsible for the subject of energy in the cabinet, sees his own work as well rated. Bavaria is expanding “the top position in renewable energies”. No other federal state has installed more system capacity for generating electricity from renewable energies than the Free State, Aiwanger was quoted in a ministry statement on Sunday.

Above all, the Free State has long had enough rivers and slopes to use hydropower. But Aiwanger now emphasizes that the expansion was also the top priority in the first half of 2021. “As Sonnenland, Bavaria is a leader in photovoltaics. Funding initiatives such as the PV storage program I started, through which more than 50,000 new systems were initiated, have also contributed to this.” In addition, the Free State enables 200 outdoor photovoltaic systems per year in disadvantaged areas. “We win around 50 percent of the nationwide tenders.” The minister admitted that Bavaria still wanted to make gains in terms of wind power. “That’s why I’m starting an initiative to set up 300 additional wind turbines in the Bavarian forests.”

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