Bavaria: Dispute over the air taxi start-up Volocopter – Bavaria

Did the economics minister of all people torpedo the economy? This accusation has been at least in the air since Aiwanger refused financial support to the air taxi start-up Volocopter. This is about fundamentals.

The day after, the Science Minister made no secret of the fact that he could not understand the Economics Minister’s position. “It’s not about a company or a risk assessment in individual cases, but rather a question of principle,” says Markus Blume (CSU). SZ. But it was precisely on this point that the coalition apparently could not agree: Instead of supporting the establishment of an air taxi start-up in Bavaria, Hubert Aiwanger (FW) vetoed it. A mistake, Blume believes: “We would have the opportunity to establish and further expand a world-leading aerospace cluster.” And: “We have to manage to turn talent and technologies in our country into new industries.”

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