Bavaria: construction industry announces price increases – Bavaria

In Bavaria, more building permits for apartments were issued in the first quarter – but the construction industry is struggling with delivery problems for building materials and enormous price increases. The state association of Bavarian building guilds called for “finally bold steps to reduce the over-regulation of building through ordinances and regulations”.

As the State Statistics Office announced on Thursday, the number of building permits for apartments rose by seven percent in the first quarter compared to the previous year to 21,493 Material bottlenecks can also be built quickly, because we urgently need them to dampen both rent increases and price increases for condominiums.”

According to a survey by the National Association of Building Guilds, 90 percent of construction companies have already increased their prices in recent months. And all construction companies “assume that the prices for building materials will continue to rise significantly in the coming months”. At the moment, almost every second construction company rates its business situation as “good”, only every seventh as “bad”. The order books are usually full – only not in public building construction and in road construction and civil engineering. But delivery problems and price increases for building materials, rising financing costs and a lack of skilled workers unsettled the companies.

After the recent chaos in the federal government’s promotion of efficient buildings, Wolfgang Schubert-Raab, President of the regional association and Vice-President of the Central Association of the German Construction Industry, called for “reliable and sustained new construction funding” and “a physically and economically sensible level of climate protection requirements in residential construction”. . As promised, builders would have to be relieved, for example through an exemption for land transfer tax and higher depreciation. Many companies wanted to increase their staff, “almost two thirds of the companies have vacant training places”.

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