Bavaria: Aiwanger’s partner as a vaccine withholding agent – Bavaria

The word “Please” immediately catches the eye in the full-page advertisement, “vaccinate” is also written in bold and bold letters, as well as the central theme: “Together against Corona”. The advertisement, which recently appeared in newspapers in Upper Palatinate on the initiative of the district president, warns of the fourth wave: Although the vaccination decision rests with each individual, solidarity is requested. All district administrators in the Upper Palatinate were asked for their support, there they are now with photo and signature, from Cham, from Tirschenreuth and so on. Only one is missing: Tanja Schweiger (Free Voters), District Administrator of the Regensburg district. And partner of Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger, whose vaccine skepticism recently caused a lot of hype. Especially because of his statement that he does not bow to the “political establishment”.

Does Tanja Schweiger have similar fears as Aiwanger about the quality of the vaccine, is she simply showing solidarity with him? Schweiger is currently on vacation, her district office informs SZ at the request: The community advertisement had “shown no recognizable added value for the citizens of the district”, which should not, however, “call into question the absolute meaning of a vaccination call or the procedure”. The vaccination in the district is progressing via classic communication channels, via the “community vaccination center structure” and current campaigns – everything is supported and effected by the district administrator. Whether and when someone gets vaccinated is and will remain “a highly personal decision”. That was Aiwanger’s tenor before he – probably spurred on by the federal election campaign – galloped on the subject. Meanwhile, the reactions to Schweiger on the net are similar to those in the Aiwanger debate. Shared echo from “Great woman, hats off!” up to “irresponsible, not eligible”.

Speaking of choice. Aiwanger recently hardly wanted to comment on his vaccination, or rather he rhetorically disarmed. Incidentally, many high-ranking FW colleagues are said to have recommended that to him as much as possible. Aiwanger is on the road in Germany these days, during a visit to Thuringia he was enthusiastically praised for being “a scientifically very interested person”. But it was about a hydrogen filling station.


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