Survey on the European elections: New “Bavarian trend” sees CSU at 41 percent – AfD loses – Bavaria

A good month before the European elections, another survey sees the CSU in Bavaria beyond the 40 percent mark – but only just. In the new “Bayerntrend” by Bayerischer Rundfunk, which was published on Wednesday, it comes to 41 percent. This puts the party in the same range as its 2019 European election result (40.7 percent) – but has lost two percentage points compared to the January survey. A Sat.1 survey published on Tuesday currently saw the CSU at 43 percent.

Compared to the “Bayern trend” from January, the AfD is down one point, which is now at 12 percent. The Greens and the SPD, on the other hand, each gained one point and ended up at 14 and nine percent respectively. The Free Voters also achieved – unchanged – nine percent. The new Sahra Wagenknecht alliance ranks at three percent in the survey. However: According to the survey, one in three eligible voters does not rule out the possibility that their voting decision will change again. It is therefore fixed for 62 percent. Anyone who is unsure which party is most likely to represent their theses in the European Parliament can do so Here you can use the help of the Wahl-O-Mat at the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

However, interest in the European elections is limited: according to the survey, 43 percent are very interested in it, and 14 are even very interested. At a total of 57 percent, Bavaria’s interest remains clearly behind that before the European elections five years ago (66 percent). Bavarians identify asylum and integration policy as the most important problem facing the European Union. This is followed by international conflicts and threats, Russia and China, then environmental protection and climate change.

A large majority of Bavarians (72 percent) are of the opinion that the EU makes Europe safer. According to the survey, 56 percent also say that the EU interferes in too many things.

For the new “Bavarian trend”, the opinion research institute Infratest dimap surveyed a total of 1,147 eligible voters in the Free State between May 2nd and 6th on behalf of the BR.

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