Bataclan Trial in Paris: Stop Saying You’re Lucky – Politics

She didn’t know the woman she’d dreamed of for six years. As she lay there, covered in blood. In the Bataclan trial, the survivors are now talking. A story about justice and about people for whom nothing is as it was before November 13th, 2015.


Nadia Pantel, Paris

V13 sounds like the serial number of a machine. And maybe that’s why V13 is exactly the right name for this process. Because the point is to take the power of horror by countering it with a system of clear rules and processes. V stands for vendredi, Friday. 13 for the 13th of the month, for November 13th 2015, when 130 people were murdered in Paris. The further you are from Paris, the more likely it is that someone will speak of the Bataclan trial. Because the whole world remembers the two-hour massacre in this concert hall. But in Paris itself they cannot forget the other crime scenes either. The Stade de France, and the bars and restaurants to the east of the city. The terrorists drove up in small cars, stopped, got out, fired into the crowd, drove on. V13 is what the lawyers, the co-plaintiffs, and the journalists say when they talk about this huge trial that is forcing the terror into files.

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