Barista coffee: How the portafilter machine makes you a professional

More than a caffeine kick
Barista coffee: This is how the stimulant becomes a work of art

Anyone for whom coffee is not just an awakening elixir, but a lifestyle, appreciates good barista coffee. The star shows what makes it special

© Thongsuk Atiwannakul/Getty Images

For many people, coffee is more than just a drink, it is even a passion. In recent years, coffee culture has developed into a real lifestyle. Enthusiasts invest in a portafilter machine and proudly call themselves a barista. But what makes Barista coffee so special?

The world of coffee has undergone a change in recent years. It’s no longer just about drinking a quick pick-me-up in the morning to start the day awake. For many, the preparation has already become an art and enjoying the work is a lifestyle. In this article the star takes a closer look at this trend and shows you how to make the perfect barista coffee.

The Portafilter machineembodies the return to craftsmanship in coffee preparation. Unlike automated coffee machines, it allows home baristas to take control of the entire brewing process. Grinding the beans, dosing the coffee powder, applying the right pressure and precise temperature setting are key factors that make the difference in the quality of the coffee. This creative and controlled approach gives coffee drinking an artisanal character and allows connoisseurs to customize their coffee according to personal preferences. This is what you need to prepare it and here’s how to do it:

Barista coffee: This is how the drink becomes a work of art


This is how you should proceed when drinking

  • Preheat portafilter: Run hot water through the portafilter to preheat it. This helps ensure the coffee is extracted at the correct temperature.
  • Portion coffee: Fill the portafilter with the correct amount of coffee. The exact amount depends on the size of the portafilter and your personal preferences. Smooth the coffee with a finger or a flat Tool.
  • Tamping coffee: Use a tamper to press the coffee in the portafilter evenly and firmly. Consistent pressure is crucial for consistent extraction.
  • Insert portafilter: Insert the portafilter into the machine and start the extraction process. The coffee should be extracted in about 25-30 seconds.
  • Checking the espresso: Monitor espresso flow. An even, dark stream of coffee should appear. Coffee extracted too quickly can be thin and acidic, while coffee extracted too slowly can be bitter.
  • Enjoy: As soon as the espresso is ready, it is best to enjoy it immediately. If you wish, you can add milk to make a cappuccino or latte.

From espresso to Americano to cappuccino and latte, portafilter machines offer the flexibility to create a wide range of specialty coffees. Users can customize not only the type of coffee, but also the amount of coffee powder used and the extraction time to achieve the perfect taste. This level of customization makes the portafilter machine a popular tool for coffee lovers who want to add a personal touch to their drinks.

What’s special about portafilter machines

The quality of the coffee is the focus of the portafilter machine trend. Users place more value on the origin and roasting of their coffee beans and experiment with different types of beans to discover flavor nuances. The focus on quality goes hand in hand with an increased awareness of coffee preparation technology. Coffee lovers invest in high-quality grinders and learn the intricacies of extraction.

Many cities now have specialized schools and courses that introduce aspiring baristas to the secrets of the craft. The students not only learn the right technique for making a perfect espresso, but also the art of making milk foam for cappuccino or latte art. Latte art is the ability to conjure up small works of art on the surface of the coffee with milk foam – from the classic heart to complex designs.

Coffee culture has evolved from a quick pick-me-up to a creative process. The world of barista coffee is not just about drinking, but about craftsmanship, quality and enjoyment.

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