“Bares for Rares”: Fabian Kahl keeps an eye on the bouquet

“Bares for Rares”
“I can already see it in my collection”: Fabian Kahl keeps an eye on the bouquet

This bouquet with twelve knives electrifies the dealers at “Bares für Rares”


What exactly it is – no one could say exactly. Nevertheless, the ostrich with twelve knives sparked enthusiasm in the dealer’s room. Much to the delight of the saleswoman.

“Very chic dress. I like that very much”: When he saw his guest, Horst Lichter first praised the cloakroom. The moderator of “Bares für Rares” was also impressed by the auction: Anne Bender from Brühl brought her knife holders in the shape of an ostrich. She bought it years ago, but it doesn’t quite fit in her apartment anymore, says the 65-year-old.

Expert Wendela Horz provides further details about the strange animal: It is decorated with historical ornaments, the twelve knives are probably fruit knives. Nice piece. But what is it worth?

Bender would like at least 100 euros for her property. Wendela Horz estimates the bird at 200 euros – twice the desired price. “Now you just get three times as much from the dealers and everyone is happy,” jokes Horst Lichter. And no one suspects that this wish will almost come true.

“Bares for Rares”: Enthusiasm in the dealer room

Because the artistic bouquet is very well received in the dealership: “I think it’s great, and I actually already see it in my collection,” enthuses Fabian Kahl when looking at the plumage. “I’m going against that,” countered Julian Schmitz-Avila, who started with 120 euros.

A real bidding war ensues, in which all those present participate, and the price quickly exceeds the 200 euro mark. “Let’s see how much your collection is worth to you”, Schmutz-Avila teases his colleague Kahl, who admits: “I’m sitting here right now as a lover, not as a dealer.”

And his words are followed by further deeds: In a duel with Elke Velten-Tönnies, the price rises to 500 euros. The last bid then comes from Fabian Kahl – he gets the bouquet for 510 euros.

Afterwards, saleswoman Anne Bender stands in front of the camera with her many bills and says: “I still can’t quite believe it.”

source: “Bares for Rares” in the ZDF media library

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