Banker – job loss after peeing – economy

The US bank Wells Fargo has fired a top banker after he allegedly peed on a fellow passenger on a plane. “Wells Fargo expects employees to maintain the highest standards professionally and personally,” the bank said. The allegations against the employee are “deeply disturbing”. The money house did not justify the dismissal in more detail. Indian media reports of a urine incident. A 72-year-old passenger complained to Air India that the banker apparently pissed on her while she was on a flight from New York to New Delhi in November. The man is said to have been arrested and will face trial in India. According to other reports, he went into hiding. Air India said it could have responded better. Several crew members have been suspended pending an investigation. It is also about another incident in which a passenger on a flight from Paris is said to have peed on the blanket of a fellow passenger.

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