Back from the summer break: “Late Night Berlin” is back: Farooq and Schulz are guests

Back from the summer break
“Late Night Berlin” back: Farooq and Schulz as guests

“Late Night Berlin” is back: Among other things, moderator Klaas Heufer-Umlauf will show the viewers how he spent the summer break. photo

© Daniel Karmann/dpa

Viewers had to do without “Late Night Berlin” for three months. How did Klaas Heufer-Umlauf spend his summer vacation? Viewers can find out that and more in the first issue after the summer break.

After a good three-month summer break, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf is also returning: from Tuesday (September 6, 11:30 p.m.), late Tuesday evening at ProSieben will again be “Late Night Berlin”.

In the first of 15 new issues in the coming months, the show thieves Nilam Farooq and Olli Schulz from the format “Who is stealing the show?” be a guest as well as show inventor and Heufer circulation buddy Joko Winterscheidt. The finale of the current “Who is stealing the show?” season is on the ProSieben program on Tuesday.

In addition, according to ProSieben in an announcement, Klaas shows how he spent his summer vacation and how he generated headlines in recent months. The final episode before the late-night show’s summer break aired 14 weeks ago, on May 31.


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