Augsburg: The Serbian national football team is coming to the European Championships – Bavaria

During the European Championships, a total of five national teams will be staying in the Free State: in Herzogenaurach, Weiler-Simmerberg, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Würzburg. And in Augsburg, the Serbs will be staying at Maximilian’s.

The suckling pig cutlet with thyme jus, parsnip puree and cucumber and bacon relish sounds good, but maybe the players would just like a starter, cauliflower panna cotta for example. All of this is on the menu in one of the two restaurants in the Hotel Maximilian’s in the middle of Augsburg. The players of the Serbian national team would still have to speak to their coaches during their stay there to see if it is OK for them to simply order something. The Serbian delegation actually brings its own nutritionist with them, who tells them exactly what the hotel kitchen should cook for the players every day. The so-called nutrition plan is not easily deviated from, suckling pig or no cauliflower.

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