Attack in Denmark: Hamburg authorities continue to examine custody dispute

Attack in Denmark
Hamburg authorities are continuing to examine the custody dispute

Christina Block is the daughter of the founder of the Block House restaurant chain. photo

© Georg Wendt/dpa

Perpetrators attacked a 49-year-old in Denmark on New Year’s Eve and took two of his children with them. The Danish police assume there is a custody dispute. Then the celebrity mother makes a statement.

The Hamburg police and public prosecutor’s office are continuing to examine the latest developments Custody dispute over the children of the catering entrepreneur Christina Block. “The Hamburg law enforcement authorities are continuing to examine the entire matter,” a police spokesman said on Wednesday.

The father of the two children was attacked by unknown people in southern Denmark on New Year’s Eve. According to the Danish police, the perpetrators took the 10-year-old boy and the 13-year-old girl in a car. The Danish police said in a statement that they were being investigated for assault and deprivation of liberty. The Danish police assumed on Tuesday that the incident on New Year’s Eve was related to a disagreement between the children’s parents over custody.

It remained unclear whether the Hamburg police were also investigating suspected criminal offenses. The spokesman explained that no further information could be provided at the moment. However, he confirmed media reports that there was a police operation at the family’s home address in northeast Hamburg on Tuesday evening. Suspicious people were reported there. However, the check revealed that these were authorized people.

The mother released a statement through a spokeswoman for the block group on Tuesday saying the children were with her and doing well. It was unclear exactly where the children were.


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