Assault on a Russian airport, fatal accident in Sarcelles and new City of the French Language

Did you miss the news this morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

In the midst of the war between Hamas and Israel, dozens of people burst onto the tarmac of the airport in Makhachkala, capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, on Sunday. The crowd was apparently searching for passengers on a flight from Israel. Sixty people were arrested and nine police officers were injured, Russian authorities said. The United States denounced “anti-Semitic demonstrations”. “The airport is fully under the control of law enforcement” currently, the Russian Interior Ministry announced in a press release.

Four people who stopped on a poorly lit roadway on Sunday evening in Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise) were fatally struck by a motorist, according to a police source. The driver, holder of a valid license, was taken into police custody and “tested negative for alcohol and narcotics”, indicates the same source. The four victims were between 31 and 66 years old.

A true cultural project of the President of the Republic, the International City of the French Language will be inaugurated this Monday in Villers-Cotterêts, a historic place where François I signed, in 1539, the ordinance imposing the use of French in the drafting of texts legal. The castle, completely renovated, “will be the beating heart of the French-speaking world,” assured the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul-Malak, who will be present alongside Emmanuel Macron for the inauguration. The choice of location is also dictated by “the economic and social difficulties of the territory”, according to the Elysée. Marked by unemployment and deindustrialization, Villers-Cotterêts has for several years turned towards the far-right vote.

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