ApeX Pro Decentralized multi-chain derivatives protocol goes live on mainnet with 52 weeks Trade-to-Earn reward

ApeX Pro, a DEX that delivers top-notch transparency and security. while providing a CEX experience with enhanced liquidity and market depth. The fastest transaction speed at the lowest cost. to receive rewards

Trade to earn rewards to earn $BANA, ApeX Pro’s native reward token, every week — instantly earning $BANA can be exchanged for USDC, and can also hold $BANA in a liquidity pool to increase allocation $BANA. Or keep your $BANA until the end of the program to redeem $APEX and increase your earnings. 50% of ApeX Pro’s fee will be used to buy back and burn $BANA. BANA is created by $APEX, the ApeX protocol’s native governance token. It has a total supply of 25,000,000.

Transactions are secured by Based on StarkWare cryptographic proofs and scaled on Validium, ApeX Pro features an order book interface for asks and bids with up to 20x leverage on trading. And the performance is comparable to centralized trading websites. Users can enjoy cheaper transaction fees and a very fast transaction experience through multi-chain support and cross-chain deposits and withdrawals such as Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum and Polygon.

ApeX Pro has released an app that users can download and access on their mobile devices.

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