Anyone who reads a lot as a young person later has a more flexible view of the world – knowledge

Books can change the way you see the world and reality, especially at a young age. Researchers have found out what high readers have over others later in life and what role the content plays.


Sebastian Herrmann

The greatest adventures of adolescence lurked in the shoes of other people that books placed you in. These figures stalked through caves, pursued by darklings. They overcame fears and were confronted with other great feelings, for better or for worse. They encountered adults whose strange rules they unhinged with fantastic powers. The heroes of these stories plunged into conflicts of conscience from which there was no way out, allowing a return without pain. Sometimes the adventures of these bright as well as broken heroes robbed one of sleep. Instead of turning off the light and closing your eyes, page after page the whole night had suddenly fizzled out. School days after such reading excesses were an even greater torment than usual.

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