Annemarie Eilfeld shocked: fire broke out on Christmas Eve

Singer immediately brought her child to safety

Shock on Christmas Eve! Fire broke out at Annemarie Eilfeld’s house

Big shock for Annemarie Eilfeld: The fire department arrived on Christmas Eve!


On Christmas Eve of all days!

What a nightmare: Singer Annemarie Eilfeld had a fire on Sunday. The fire department had to move out. The shock is deep. But what happened? is now also on WhatsApp – try it out HERE!

Annemarie Eilfeld: “Of course something like that happens at Christmas”

Annemarie Eilfeld in an Instagram storyAnnemarie Eilfeld in an Instagram story

The 33-year-old shares her experience with her fans on Instagram.

Instagram/Annemarie Eilfeld

It is the most contemplative time of the year and for many families the day when everyone comes together and is happy. But for Annemarie Eilfeld, that day almost ended in tragedy. On Christmas Eve, a fire broke out in the 33-year-old’s home.

“Of course something like that happens at Christmas. “We had a fire this morning,” she reports on Instagram. “Today we put our neighborhood in fear and terror,” says the 33-year-old.

Reading tip: Annemarie Eilfeld: That’s behind her social media break

“There was a fire, there was a major fire department operation. It started in the kitchen and suddenly it went bang. A few seconds later, flashes of light came and then smoke started escaping from the cupboard under the sink.” She had the presence of mind to bring her child to safety: “When I saw that, I immediately took our little one and put him in the car.”

In the video: Annemarie Eilfeld explains her social media break

A fire engine in action.A fire engine in action.

Annemarie Eilfeld posted this picture of the fire department operation on Instagram today.

Instagram/Annemarie Eilfeld


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“We were lucky in misfortune”

The fire department is alerted before Annemarie flees to her neighbors. “We were lucky in misfortune,” she says after getting herself and her family checked. “Luckily nothing happened to us.” Her son is now staying with her parents until the fire damage is repaired, “and then hopefully we can celebrate a relaxed Christmas,” said the 33-year-old.

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As for the cause of the fire, she only says: “It was the water heater. It burned down and there’s just a pile of ash under the sink.” What a gift that no one was hurt. (xes)

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