An elected LR and her husband sent to court for fraud

Sylvie Carrega, an LR municipal councilor from the 11th and 12th arrondissements of Marseille, will be judged by the city’s criminal court on September 18 in a case of subscribing to consumer loans with a nominee, reports Marsactu.

Miss under investigation with her husband, Sylvie Carrega will appear as a couple for acts of “forgery”, “use of forgery” and “fraud”. This is the result of a complaint filed in April 2021 against them by a modest LR activist. The nominee accuses him of having made him take out 52,000 euros in consumer loans that the couple was to invest in a real estate project that was ultimately aborted.

“Getting screwed”

And if the first “friendly” reimbursements go smoothly, check bounces follow. “It’s a private matter,” already explained to Marsactu the husband of the one who was still a vice-president of the departmental council.

The victim of this deal between “friends” said he was in a difficult personal moment and that he hoped to obtain some favors in this way. In Marseillais, we call it being bamboozled.

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