An 84-year-old man indicted for the murder of his partner

The figure for femicides had barely had time to be announced and already contested when a new victim was added to the long list of women victims of their husbands’ beatings. Wednesday January 3, the day after Éric Dupond-Moretti’s announcements, a 75-year-old woman lost her life in Vinon-sur-Verdon, near Manosque, in the Durance valley (Var).

According to the Draguignan public prosecutor’s office, her husband, aged 84, admitted to having fatally strangled his partner following an argument at their home. He was indicted for spousal murder and placed in pre-trial detention, said Draguignan public prosecutor Pierre Couttenier, without further details.

On average, a feminicide occurs every three days in France. The Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti announced on Tuesday the figure of 94 femicides in 2023, compared to 118 in 2022, a drop welcomed with caution by feminist associations.

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