Amorous encounters intersect in the book of a Strasbourg woman

Love stories fascinate her. But like a photographer, it’s the decisive moment, that of the meeting, the one that “turns your whole life upside down when you don’t expect it” that she likes to discover as soon as she meets a couple. Amandine Maglott, an almost thirty-year-old Strasbourg woman, graphic designer, Instagramer, sees life in pink. Pink like the cover of
his first book, BAM the meeting, newly published by Maison Hachette pratical editions. A book that brings together 200 testimonials chosen and adapted from the few thousand that have reached his account
Instagram at 155,000 subscribers.

Lovers of torrid, forbidden stories, go your way. Bam the meeting is above all a collection of stories of love and friendships told with freshness, gentleness and benevolence, like the drawings of
Romane Vix that illustrate the book. Meetings classified by theme with poetic statements, such as “those that take us to our destination”, “those that arrive at the right time”, or even “those that knock on our door”…

On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, 20 minutes asked him to present four of them to us, representative of those moments that change everything. “It’s almost impossible to make a choice, they all have a charm and their magic” confides the author who ended up lending herself to the exercise all the same.

When you least expect it

Among these 200 encounters, “I like the one on a plane, with a passenger and a pilot. A meeting in the sky between Paris and Rio with reunions on earth” confides the author. “The next day, they were enjoying a coconut together on Copacabana beach. We do not tell ourselves that we will find love by taking the plane, even less with the pilot. It’s unexpected (laughs). A thunderbolt in the middle of the clouds that turns into a pretty story »

“There is also this meeting in the street. He asks her the way, she tells him. He takes the wrong direction and retraces his steps, giving her a smirk. A simple smile that already draws their future future. They have been together for ten years now, ”says Amandine Maglott again. “This meeting once again shows that a second, a decision, can change the course of our lives. Ask for directions more often, you’re going to have surprises! »

Wilder encounters too. Meetings that are born during an evening, “like that of Juliette and Jean, in front of a buffet. He approaches her, telling her that she is chewing her super strong chips. A nice battle of chips breaks out and she smashes a handful on his face. They kiss and say yes a year later. The innocence of the beginnings becomes the evidence of their history. »

Or even online, “like this meeting on Tinder. When Jean and Fanny meet on their first date, it’s a match! But a long-planned four-month trip to Reunion separates them just after their first meeting. They wait and then meet around a tarte flambée, the first of a long line. Their story has been going on for four years. ” A nice story…

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